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All parts sold by WSR Group are sold under the manufacturer’s warranty and conditions from the date of purchase. If you have any questions, please call us on (08) 9302 6055.

Replacement parts or refund (including shipping) will be provided by WSR Group where:


  • The part is faulty or not of acceptable quality; or

  • The part is not fit for its intended purpose; or

  • The part does not match the sample or the description; or

  • The part was damaged during delivery; and

  • You can provide proof of purchase with the original receipt


Replacement part or refund will only be completed upon receipt and inspection of items that are deemed faulty or incorrectly supplied.


Where a warranty fault has been recognised and accepted by us, shipping expenses will be refunded. For any replacements where the shipping expense is being covered by WSR group, the original shipping address will be use.


Exchanges will only be provided on parts that are clean, unused and in their original condition. 


If you receive an incorrect or faulty part, please contact us within 14 days of delivery.

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